Supervision provides practitioners with regular and ongoing opportunities to reflect in depth about all aspects of their practice, in order to work as effectively, safely and ethically as possible” BACP Good Practice Guidance.

“The process by which a coach, with the help of a supervisor, can attend to understanding both the client system and themselves as part of the client-coach system, and by so doing transform their work and develop their craft” Hawkins

“Supervision is an opportunity to bring someone back to their own mind, to show them how good they can be”.  Nancy Kline

I have been supervising practitioners in a rich variety of contexts for over 25 years.  A vital part of the work is enabling you to think well for, and as, yourself about your client work and the aspirations you have in relation to improving and developing your business.   

I will support you to consider both these aspects of your practice and to identify the issues and the questions that you would like to resolve. 

Through an initial and significant amount of time thinking with my generative attention you will usually create greater insight into how you might move forward ethically and creatively in the work.  Once you have had time to think for yourself, I will answer any outstanding specific questions that you might have for me, drawing on my experience and providing information and observations likely to shed further light on the issue.  I will also, where relevant, provide other resources for you to explore.  

Practitioners either managing separate counselling and coaching practices, or working in an integrated way, are drawing on two differently established professions, so the need for safety (to ensure standards and enhance quality) and the courage to be innovative (enhance creativity) will depend on having a supervisor that can has some experience of the benefits and challenges of offering services as a dual trained practitioner.  As I no longer practice purely as a counsellor I no longer offer purely counselling supervision, (i.e. where you are seeing your client weekly and they are in need of significant holding). If however you have moved on to a coaching component in the work, or have an integrated practice with a strong coaching component from the start, I can provide supervision for your client work.

If you are adding coaching to your counselling practice or wishing to work at more psychological depth as a coach, I would be happy to arrange some exploratory mentoring or thinking sessions to enable you to consider next steps.  This work can be supported by the bacp competency frameworks. 

Testimonials from Supervisees can be found here